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Heydar Aliyev





Treatment tourism facilities


Duzdagh Physiotherapy Center first started to function as a department with capacity of 50 beds in the Babek Central Hospital in 1978. Taking into account the needs, the capacity of hospital was reached to 100 beds in 1983.  Bronchial asthmas (inflectional-allergic and atopic forms), chronic bronchitis, asthmatic component, chronic bronchitis allergic, allergic rhino sinusoid pathologies, pre-asthma are treated in the center.

The method of treatment is very simple. Patients find healing after sleeping a few nights in beds put in the old salt mines.

The effect of treatment is 95% in children and  75-80% in adults. Patients feel the effectiveness of treatment since the first day of coming to physiotherapeutic center. The center is located at an altitude of 1173m above sea level. In 2006, the underground department of hospital underwent several renovations and thus, it meets the modern standards. To date, it is possible to accept 350 patients in the center at once. Similar treatment centers also exist in other countries as Ukraine, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, and Germany. However, due to a number of advantages of the physiotherapeutic center, Duzdag has no analogue.



Daridagh arsenic thermal water situated on 15 km north - east  of Julfa district has a lot of   therapeutic importance of healing skin diseases, such as itch, impetigo, and piodermia. For the treatment of these diseases, one should take several baths in Daridagh water. Duration of treatment seances differ for the type of the disease. The temperature of Daridagh thermal arsenic water is 520C in the source. But in treatment baths it is between 37 or 39 degrees. All these factors make Daridagh water take the first place among other arsenic waters not only in Caucasus, but also in the world. There has not been any health resort or hospital in the arsenic bed water area until the middle of XX century, although Daridagh arsenic water sources exist since XV century. A hospital with 5 baths was first built in 1976. 

Since 2005, 2 new medical corps are used in Daridagh. There are wide conditions and opportunities for medical aids in the corps. It is possible to serve 25 or more patients during an hour in the corps. 




Water deposit is in the territory of Babak region, at 6 km distance from the village of Gahab, in the South – East, at 12 km distance from the city of Nakhchivan, in the foot of the Ashabi-Kahf mountain. The water spurs and boils out at every 15 minutes.

The water is radonic, carbonic aerated, less mineralized, hydrocarbonated, chloride-sulphated, with natrium-calcium. It is the analogy of the water “Pyatigorsk” of the Russia Federation. It is used in the treatment of the rheumatism diseases.




It was operating as a naftalan department in old combined city hospital in 1978, and in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Hospital since 1987. After renovation work in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Hospital in 2016, department of physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, and treatment with naftalan oil started to function. This is used in treatment of diseases as gout, bursitis, myositis, myalgia, radiculitis, psoriasis, tromboflebit, vibration disease, infertility, tendinitis and others. 4 people can have bath for one time. Working hours is from 9a.m till 3:30p.m on 6 days of week.


Address: Nakhchivan city, Aziz Aliyev str, 5

Tel: (+994 36) 545-69-74




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Date: 26-02-2025
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