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Nakhchivan is the “Youth capital” of Azerbaijan

Samad Janbakhshiyev: “This is the triumph of the union".

Naxçıvan Azərbaycanın “Gənclər paytaxtı”dırToday, the most delightful news for Nakhchivan people is the selection of Nakhchvan as the “Youth Capital”.

In fact, it was expected. Because, the activeness of the Nakhchivan youth in the voting starting on January 25 and in social networks drew the attention. It is quite natural. Because Nakhchivan is always young, despite of its 5 thousand old history, and this youthful freshness manifests itself in all its inhabitants. Because the feelings of building, creating, renewing and protecting the land are stronger and more sincere in those who are in the minds of youth.

Let us admit that not only young people took part in the voting but also the people of all ages. It showed the mind, outlook, and naturally, the youngness of their soul. We call it unity as well. The national leader Heydar Aliyev showed us the sample of uniting in proper level for Nakhchivan in 1990. The continuation of this tradition shows itself in the condition created for the youth, the care and attention towards them.

This vote is an example of organizing young people and uniting as a single force around the statehood ideas.

They are the manifestation of successful youth policy, the correct, far-reaching steps taken in the education of patriotic feelings in Nakhchivan. The autonomous republic youth praise their city- developing, compared with the European cities, native, clean, safe Nakhchivan as a youth having wide outlook. For all this Nakhchivan is the "Youth Capital".

We congratulate all Nakhchivan people!

Samad Janbakhshiyev


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Date: 20-04-2024
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