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Nakhchivan hosted nationwide festivity on the occasion of Novruz holiday

The Azerbaijani people have created a system of rich values by summarizing their ideas on the creation of man and the awakening of nature in Novruz holiday. Novruz Holiday is a sign of deep respect for our historical and cultural past, deep commitment to our national values. That is why, our great leader Heydar Aliyev took care of the existence of the Novruz traditions in all periods of his leadership, who made this holiday a symbol of our national existence and our independent statehood. As the President of the country, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, congratulated our people on the occasion of Novruz holiday and said: "The Novruz holiday, which has ancient historical roots in the land of Azerbaijan, penetrated deep into the deepest of our spiritual world, contributed to the development of our sacred values and became an integral part of our national thinking ...  Novruz holiday which became the expression of our freedom and independence,  is a national identity factor that created a foundation for the realization of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and the return of our people to the idea of independent statehood towards the end of the XX century”.

Novruz Holiday is celebrated every year with great achievements in  Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the arrival of spring is celebrated in the conditions of creativity, peace and stability.

On March 19, in the "Ajami Space" Culture and Recreation Complex in Nakhchivan, the celebration on the occasion of  Nowruz holiday was held.

Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov together with his family attended the festive celebration.

 Nation’s  elder Dada Gorgud blessed the arrival of Novruz: "Today Novruz comes to Oguz land. Our people meet new year, see off the old year. Last year is remembered with great deeds. This year our ancient Nakhchivan became the capital of Islamic culture. Let it be helpful! Great Nakhchivan will write a magnificent history as the Capital of Islamic Culture this year. I wish good luck! Gorgud father says all these achievements have a creator. Let he has a long life! Sons who make this ancient city the capital of the Islamic culture,  the capital the proud youth,  live long! On this dear day, we will look at the past and present of our ancient land and say: those who  create for the people, history will preserve them. Happy Novruz holiday!"

The boys and girls dressed in national costumes presented samani to the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis.

"Land of fire" dance was performed by the dance group of Nakhchivan State Philharmonic.

The art of ashug, which is one of the oldest examples of our folk art, incorporating the subtleties of our national music and word art, is still living in the autonomous republic. In the days of folk art, saz melodies, poems, ashug performances are presented. Members of the Nakhchivan Ashugs' Union performed the "My home land Nakhchivan" melody.

Performance of "Mugham Trio" by Nakhchivan Music College, "Our village", which was performed by the Sazplayers ensemble, was welcomed with applause.

Today our national dances are preserved in the autonomous republic and are taught for future generations. Members of the "Colorful flowers" song and dance ensemble of the Heydar Aliyev Children's Youth Creativity Center performed our national dances skillfully. National musical samples presented with ancient national musical instruments - tulum, zurna, balaban and pipe   created a pleasant atmosphere during the festive event.

Sureyya Alakbarova, a resident of Nakhchivan city, said that peace, stability and prosperity in the autonomous republic allowed Novruz holiday to be welcomed, and congratulated to the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis on behalf of the residents.

Folklore samples related to Novruz are full of information about the ancient life, lifestyle and beliefs of our people. Students from Nakhchivan Girls' Lyceum presented a composition consisting of bayatis, riddles and Novruz beliefs.

Then there were performances of the Nakhchivan Musical College's “Nakhchivangala” rhythm group and the dance group of Nakhchivan State Children's Philharmonic.

Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov made a speech at the event: Novruz holiday embodies our national values and traditions. That is why, throughout history, this holiday has been recognized as a symbol of national unity. This year's Novruz holiday is celebrated on the same day with last Tuesday.

The Chairman of the Supreme Majlis congratulated the people of the autonomous republic, the military personnel and the participants of the event on the occasion of the Novruz holiday and the Fire Tuesday. Novruz holiday is welcomed in the autonomous republic in tranquility, stability and prosperity. Last year, sustainable development was ensured in all spheres of the autonomous republic, stability was ensured, the welfare of the population improved. During this period, the volume of gross domestic product production exceeded 2 billion 701 million manat, 60 new production and service facilities were created. As usual, construction works were continued in 2017, 236 different objects were constructed or reconstructed and put into operation. More than 967 million manat  industrial production and more than 453 million manat agricultural products were produced in the autonomous republic in 2017. The increase in the volume of domestic production has also contributed to the development of foreign trade relations, and trade relations with more than 50 countries. Today it is pleasant to note that the gained achievements increased the economic potential of the autonomous republic. As a result of successful development,  in the investment rating prepared by “Caspian European Club” for 2017,  Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has reached the top place with the highest overall score, which the chairman is the president of the Azerbaijani Republic.

The Chairman of the Supreme Majlis thanked all those who contributed to the development of the autonomous republic and the achievements gained.

The Chairman of the Supreme Assembly said: Nakhchivan is the Capital of Islamic Culture and the Youth Capital of the Country for 2018. It also puts important tasks. This year, the scope of cultural and mass events in the autonomous republic will be expanded and consistent measures will be taken in the field of youth policy. At the same time construction work will be continued, socio-economic reforms will be kept in focus. We are sure that devotion to national leader Heydar Aliyev's political line and successful continuation of this path by the President of the country as every year, this year will bring our country to development, our state independence and stability will be further strengthened.

The Chairman of the Supreme Assembly once again congratulated the participants of the Novruz holiday and burnt the festive bonfire. Special attention is paid to the restoration of ancient musical instruments in Nakhchivan. As a result of the work done in this area, Ancient Music Instruments Ensemble has been created in Nakhchivan State Philharmonic Society. The folk songs performed in the performance of the ensemble. The collective of Nakhchivan State Puppet Theater performed a performance "Spring-giftede Novruz",  an interesting composition by Nakhchivan city Children's Music and Art School ensemble "Nagarachalanlar" was presented.

The public catering service was also provided at the festival, sales of products produced by local enterprises were organized, variety of feasted sweets, syrups and drinks prepared in the autonomous republic were offered to the event participants.

The Chairman of the Supreme Majlis was interested in organizing public catering services.

Mushfig Abbasov, head of the theater studio "Bu shaharda", actors - honored artists of the Republic of Azerbaijan Rafael Isgandarov and Joshgun Rahimov congratulated the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis. On the same day in the regional centers of the autonomous republic were held festivities on occasion of Novruz Holiday.


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Date: 04-03-2025
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