The nature of Azerbaijan and all

other infrastructure existed in

Azerbaijan enables tourists to

come to our country.

Heydar Aliyev





Important measures are being taken to develop tourism

In the modern world, tourism is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the economy for each country. In our country, including Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, serious attention is being paid to the development of this sphere. Tourism has become one of the most profitable sectors all over the world and has become a vast and rapidly developing economic sector. Continuous development and expansion of the tourism sector has made this area a major force in the socio-economic progress. It shows itself in creating new jobs, establishing tourism related business and infrastructure.

At the meeting held on 18 March 2016 in the Supreme Majlis of  Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic on "Tourism development in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic", the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, noting the importance of this area, said: "Today, the basis of the economy in  Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is agriculture and industry. However, the existing tourism potential allows the development of this area. The development of tourism is one of the main tasks of each citizen, especially young people, side by side concerned state agencies. Propaganda and promotion of information on the history, culture, geography, modern development and tourism potential of the autonomous republic should be taken into consideration and concrete actions should be taken ".

At the meeting, the Ministry of Economic Affairs had the tasks to focus on preparing and selling souvenirs, gifts introducing Azerbaijan as well as Nakhchivan, development of tourism business, providing relevant recommendations to entrepreneurs engaged in tourism, development of business plans and their application, organizing exhibitions to demonstrate the tourism potential of the autonomous republic.

The development of tourism has a positive impact on various sectors of the economy, the service sector, and so on. One of the areas of progress in this sector is the production of national crafts and souvenirs. Foreign guests visiting the autonomous republic, as well as local and foreign tourists visiting our villages and districts, take various souvenirs and folk applied art items as a memorable holiday. In this regard, the development of the tourism sector necessitates increased attention to the production of national souvenirs and souvenirs. For this purpose, a meeting was held in the autonomous republic with 50 craftsmen on different spheres of folk creativity.

As a result of educative events, over 300 handicrafts and art works (souvenirs and gifts souvenirs) on carpet weaving, hatting, art, carving, braziership, carving on salt stones, carving on plaster cast, decorative-applied art and pottery were prepared and directed to sales objects of Nakhchivan Business Center.

Over the past period, personal exhibitions of amateur artists and folk applied art masters have been organized. Craftsmen working in the regions are widely publicized and their sales exhibitions are organized.

According to the given recommendations, by the craftsmen operating in the autonomous republic, 40 carved logos of "Nakhchivan Islamic Capital of Culture-2018", 50 ceramic art works, 40 copper art works, 30 works with beads, 10 carpets, 15 gypsum, 40 clay, 20 on skins, including the souvenirs prepared by the "Momuna Khatun" national fashion house, totally 285 handicrafts were prepared.

In “Duzdagh”, “Tabriz” and “Grand Hotel”, Ashabi-Kahf, Duzdagh Physiotherapy Center, on the first floor of the Carpet Museum, where tourists are the most attracted, organizing the sale of handicrafts and local products in the exhibition and sale store covering all the creative spaces, creates a preliminary impression of the cultural heritage and economic development of the autonomous republic.

Over the past period, “Nakhchivan Business Center” LLC has recieved over 778 handicrafts and art works reflecting historical and architectural monuments of the autonomous republic, national ornaments, and sold 317 handicrafts.

It should be noted that the organization of festivals in the autonomous republic plays an important role in promoting tourism. During the festivals, the promotion and sale of products within the autonomous republic was carried out, these festivals were attended by guests of our city and tourists along with the autonomous republic population.

In the “Nakhchivangala” Historical-Architectural Museum Complex, a handicraft shop, tea house, ice-cream and national cuisine catering facilities were set up to expand the samples of folk creativity and national cuisine as a tourism product.

As a branch of the entrepreneurial area, the development of the tourism industry creates a basis for employment opportunities,  development of tourism services and entrepreneurship in the autonomous republic is of great importance. At present, there are 21 hotels and hotel type institutions in the autonomous republic. The work is underway in this direction.

The “Nakhchivan Business Center” LLC provided information on catering and hotel facilities to the sanitary and hygienic norms and rules and the international experience related to service culture, enlightenment monitoring was carried out for the further improvement of the quality of services provided at the catering facility, increasing the range of national dishes in the presented menu, apply prices appropriately to the calculation of food prepared and observe the requirements of existing legislation.

Also in the past period, “Nakhchivan Business Center” LLC has organized seminars on international experience in catering and hotel service facilities for employees.

Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic actively participates in international and domestic tourism exhibitions, demonstrates its tourism potential with these exhibitions. Promotional materials on Nakhchivan's promotion are demonstrated at such events every year. Over 50 international events with representatives of Russia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Turkey, Georgia, Belarus, Iran, Ukraine, France, Finland, Latvia, Italy, Hungary and Poland, more than 300 representatives of entrepreneurship subjects from the autonomous republic have been involved. The importance of the autonomous republic's involvement in such international events and exhibitions is that exhibitors are well informed about the tourism potential of Nakhchivan and exchange experiences among tourism specialists.

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Date: 04-03-2025
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