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Oleg Kuznetsov: Nakhchivan is the safest region of the Southern Caucasus

Recently, Russian historian, prominent scholar on the Caucasus study Oleg Kuznetsov visited Nakhchivan. The scientist, who has interesting scientific researches, is one of the historians who convey the realities of Azerbaijan to the world. We present the interview with him:

Oleg Yuryevich, it is very pleasant to see you again. It would be interesting to know the aim of your visit this time. 

- Thank you. The purpose of my visit is individual this time. As you see, I have come to Duzdagh for treatment. My close friends advised me this center. I am very satisfied with the created conditions and service here. I feel the good results of the treatment day by day.  On the other hand, there are a lot of people in Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan who know me well. As a result of this we visited Nakhchivan Branch of ANAS, Nakhchivan State Television. In a word, it is very pleasant for me to be in Nakhchivan.

I know that you are interested in the history of Nakhchivan. Even we can observe it from your scientific activity. Where does your interest in this ancient land begin?

 - To tell the truth, from my childhood. How? So, one of my relatives, more exactly, my mother’s cousin served in the Caucasus during the Second World War. His service was engaged in military intelligence. He even participated in the organization of famous Tehran conference in 1943 which Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt attended, he was awarded for this service. Later, he served in Nakhchivan till 1947. He had bright memories about the Caucasus, Nakhchivan. He had detailed information about the peoples living here. Once he said that there is a famous tribe called “Kangarlis” in Nakhchivan. He characterized them as a warrior, a brave generation of great interest to the military art. And it has aroused great interest in the history and culture of Nakhchivan. Later, I came across information in the sources about the history of this ancient land and, of course, as a lawyer and as a historian this interest also affected my scientific activity. By the way, I am known as a historian in Azerbaijan, as well as in Armenia.  In Russia, I am known as a lawyer.

 - They always regard you as a historian defending the truth in Azerbaijan. Especially, because, you expose the false and insincere “historical truths” of damned Armenians. In this sense, many people do not hesitate to call you a friend of Azerbaijan.

-Yes, I know that they love me very much in Azerbaijan, and even on the street there are people who come and greet me. And, of course, I do not hide my sympathy for your people. But where does this originate? I am quite knowledgeable about Armenian nationalism, Armenian extremism. In comparison with the various terrorist groups that exist in the world, Armenian terrorism has more threats and menaces. We have witnessed many examples of those committed facts against Azerbaijan. As we learned this topic deeply, it became clear that at present Armenian extremism also threatens the Russian statehood. However, this is not yet widely understood in Russia. However, there are facts in Russia about the terrorist attacks that Armenian terrorists committed at different times. I can count many examples to this. Investigating the facts of Armenian terrorism, Armenian extremism, it became clear that this ideology is still going on and when I expand my scientific activity to prevent these risks, of course, our interests with Azerbaijan coincide.

- It is interesting to know about your current activity in this direction.

-First of all, I would say that the book which I wrote about the history of Armenian terrorism ("Transnational Armenian terrorism in the XX century, historical-criminological research" - S.Hasanov) was published in Baku in 2015 and in Moscow in 2016. It was also published in Stockholm in 2015, and in English in 2016 in Berlin. The books were published in large circulation. In this sense, I am already known in the European scientific community and in the special circles. And, of course, they are well aware of monographs in Armenia. Even so, I was faced with the new wave of persecution by the Armenians. Their goal was to blame me for sowing seeds of extremism among the peoples.  Even in Moscow in connection with this, they raised a criminal case against me in mid-2017. But I have been accustomed to such threats, I think that these threats, those who defend terrorism, should not be impunity. The best answer is to publish the next monograph. I want to emphasize one important nuance. My books are read in different countries around the world. After publishing this monograph, many materials from different countries were sent to my mail about Armenian terrorism. For example, I have received enough information about the terrorist attacks in at the airports of Ankara, Istanbul of Turkey, in the French city Orly, in the last 80 months. At the same time, many materials were sent from Belarus. These are fairly comprehensive materials and facts It will take some time for them to work again and make it clear. From the middle of 2018, I will do this. I hope that in the fall of the current year I will be able to present a monograph which I will prepare for it. In addition, numerous materials have been sent to me about how Armenia is protecting the ideology of terrorism in Russia, which can be filmed with these facts. I will do it too. The scenario of the film to be shot is also ready, and even certain cadres have been shot. I think that in the end of January and early February, we will finish the film completely.

-Oleg Yuryevich, we can talk a lot about this topic. It is interesting, whether the Armenian diaspora or the ruling circles in Armenia is threatening you now and   in what form do these threats represent?

- Actually, there is no such threat lately. Basically, these threats are sent via email. Sometimes these threats are reflected in Russian-language websites of Armenia. But I do not pay attention to these threats.

- I would like to return to Nakhichevan topic again. You came to Nakhchivan in 2014 for the first time and 3 years have passed since then. You have the opportunity to compare what you've seen here this time. It's interesting for us to know your impressions.

- When I came here for the first time it was summer. But now it is winter. The air is fresh, people are hospitable and kind here. Engineering infrastructure is the main thing that draws my attention most. There are very comfortable highways in Nakhchivan. When we went to the Alinjagala, we were passing through the villages. All the villages that I saw seemed to be comfortable with comfortable roads, new schools and administrative buildings. In addition, the steps taken in the energy security of the autonomous republic are of strategic importance. Adding the supply of gas here, Nakhchivan is an exemplary region in terms of both energy and people's living standards. This work shows the tremendous  and hard work of the head of the autonomous republic. In addition, I had the opportunity to walk the city several times since I met the New Year here. For example, I was attracted by the fact that there are many cafes in your city. People come to these cafés freely with their families. I witnessed that many people from the neighboring Islamic Republic of Iran came here to celebrate New Year. What does it mean? First is stability and security. Or another example. Cars coming from or crossing your borders pass through Nakhchivan. This means that passing through here is financially advantageous or simply safe. According to all these parameters, I think that Nakhchivan is the safest region in the South Caucasus.

- Oleg Yuryevich, thank you very much for your interesting conversation. I wish you success in your future work.

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Date: 31-01-2025
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