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Heydar Aliyev





There was a concert of children with disabilities

On March 14, Nakhchivan City Culture and Tourism Department organized a concert of children with disabilities studied at Nakhchivan's children's music and art schools under the motto "Nakhchivan - The Capital of Islamic Culture 2018" at Nakhchivan City Music and Art School named after A.Javid.

Before the concert Tarana Jafarova, the head of the Nakhchivan City Culture and Tourism Department, mentioned that according to the “State Program on the education and rehabilitation of children with disabilities in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in 2016-2020” approved by the Order of the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated January 11, 2016, important tasks have been set before a number of ministries, committees, departments of the autonomous republic to organize effective and meaningful leisure time for children with disabilities. In the autonomous republic a number of tasks are being carried out for the education of children from this category, the organization of training at the highest level, their involvement to music schools and out-of-school facilities, and to reveal their talents.

Various events and concerts are held in children's music schools to display their creative potential and talent, in these concerts, children demonstrate their talent and get closely attached to their specialty. 27 children of this category are studying at Nakhchivan's children's music and art schools. At today's concert, 9 of them will display their talent.

The songs T.Guliyev’s “Sana da galmaz” by Fatima Jafarova, the VI grade student of piano specialty, U.Hajibayli’s “Akhsham oldu” by Khalig Behbudov, “Shan Azerbaijan” by Safar Huseynov, the III grade student of garmon specialty, “Nakhchivani” by Punhan Ismayilov, the IV grade student of saz specialty,  U.Hajibayli’s “Yakhshi yol” by Yegana Taghiyeva, the V grade student of kamancha specialty, and others were performed.

Elmaddin Aliyev, the II grade student of singer specialty, performed folk songs “San-san” and “Dashli gala”. He was escorted by the teachers Jalil Ismayilov on tar, Ahim Gulaliyev on kamancha, the Honored culture worker of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Gurban Gurbanov on drum. They created a delightful atmosphere for the concert participants.

At the end of the concert, the performers were presented valuable gifts and diplomas of Nakhchivan City Culture and Tourism Department.

It is planned to held such events in the future.

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Date: 01-03-2025
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