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Heydar Aliyev





Museums are treasures of our people's material and spiritual wealth

Museums are cultural centers that demonstrate national identity, gather national and spiritual values, embody, preserve and promote truths about the past. Today, our museums have a network of rich art pearls and national resources, covering all the regions of the autonomous republic. Museum work in Nakhchivan has unique history of development. At the end of the XIX century, the great writer-playwright Jalil Mammadguluzadeh applied to the People Schools Office with a request to create a museum in Nehram village school and for the first time in Azerbaijan this museum was created in this village where material and cultural samples of the history of Nakhchivan were collected. The Museum of History and Ethnography was established in 1924 in Nakhchivan, and in 1926, the private museum created by Balabay Alibeyov, a resident of Nakhchivan, began to function as a state museum. “Nakhchivan Investigation and Thoroughly Research Society” which began functioning as a division of the society in Azerbaijan in 1925, had a role to enrich this museum.

The development of museum work, museum study in Azerbaijan is connected with the name of our national leader Heydar Aliyev. Under the leadership of the great leader in the 70-80s of the last century important measures were taken to establish new museums in Azerbaijan, to strengthen their bases, to enrich the museum funds and to build modern expositions. At that time, the Azerbaijani Museum Office, the Republican Scientific and Methodological Center for Museum Work, Artistic Design Institution of Museums, the Scientific and Reconstruction Center of Museum Wealth and Memorial Gifts were established to develop this sphere in our country. Historical-ethnographic museums were established in some 60 districts of Azerbaijan in a short time. Historical-ethnographic museums in Sharur, Babek, Ordubad, Julfa and Shahbuz regiond started to operate in this period. If there were 29 museums in our country until 1969, 111 different profile museums were created during the leadership of our national leader.

"We need museums to convey the value of our national traditions to new generations and educate them on these traditions,” – said national leader Heydar Aliyev. During his power in the independence years in our country museum work entered a new stage of its development, legislative base of this field was created. The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan was adopted in this period, the basic principles of state policy in the field of museum activity and the state's duties, museum rights, museum funds, state care and control of museums were increased.

Successful steps are taken in this field by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev, important measures are carried out. The Decree of the President dated March 6, 2007 "On improving museum work in Azerbaijan" and his Decree dated May 22, 2009 “On the approval of the “Special Action Plan for the   provision of museums with modern standards, supply of new equipment and necessary exhibits operating in the regions of Azerbaijan" are of great importance in this regard.

The activity of the museums is in the focus of attention in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, museum exhibitions are enriched, new museums are established. By the care and attention of the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic the museums have been reestablished on the level of modern requirements, important measures have been implemented in this field. If there were only 13 museums in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic since 1997, now there is an art gallery and 29 museums of different profiles. In these cultural institutions there are more than 130 thousand exhibits reflecting the history, life style, traditions of our people. Last year our museums received 1340 exhibits. In the first quarter of this year our museums have been enriched with 402 new exhibits. In 2012, Bahruz Kangarli Museum was renovated and in 2013 the Gamigaya Historical and Artistic Reserve and the museum were put into operation. The Gamigaya Historical and Artistic Reserve is one of the rare museums in the open air, 3700 meters above sea level. According to the Decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated June 5, 2013, “On the establishment of the Nakhchivangala Historical-Architectural Museum Complex”, another museum was created in Nakhchivan. In 2014, the house-museum of People's poet Mammad Araz in the village of Nursu in Shahbuz region, State Flag Square and Museum in Nakhchivan were put into operation. New buildings of Memorial Museum in Nakhchivan city, Memorial Museum of Jalil Mammadguluzadeh in Jalilkand in Sharur region and house-museum of Mahammad Tagi Sidqi in Ordubad started to function in 2015. On the basis of the Decree of  the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated February 11, 2014, "On restoration of the historical monument “Alinjagala” in Julfa region”, the fortress was restored and a museum was created there.

According to the Decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated September 12, 2017 "On the establishment of the Nakhchivan Salt Museum", the Salt Museum was established in Nakhchivan and was put into operation on 25 April.

Along with renown museums, establishment of history-ethnography museums, house-museums, memorial museums, museum complexes and museums on our statehood history is always in the spotlight. All of these play an important role in protecting our cultural heritage, enriching the spiritual-aesthetic, ideological-political outlook and patriotic education of the younger generation. Museums in the regions of the autonomous republic also allow visitors to get detailed information about our distinguished personalities along with our rich history and culture.

Mr. Vasif Talibov, the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, said: "Museums reflect the history of the Azerbaijani people, the lives, creativity and activities of our great personalities. The history of the people is handed down the next generations, both in books and in museums. Museums are places that preserve our past and bring to future".

Visits of the young to our museums help them to have deep knowledge, broad outlook on our ancient and rich history and the formation of the spirit of love for national values, our national-cultural and historical heritage. Special attention is paid to the connection between educational institutions of the autonomous republic and museums. In accordance with the Order of the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic "On additional measures to establish electronic education in educational institutions of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic", dated June 20, 2014, a school-museum network was established in the autonomous republic and distance lessons on the history and culture of Azerbaijan and our outstanding personalities have been started. According to the Decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic "On giving voluntary assistance to the professions in the institutions of higher and secondary special education to the associated organizations" dated July 27, 2015, holding open lessons for students studying museology, archives and preservation of monuments, history, tourism-hotel management  is continued. Last year there were 436 open lessons in museums.

According to the Decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic "On strengthening relations with museums" dated December 19, 2014, the efforts of the central and local executive authorities to visit these cultural institutions will increase the interest in museums that are material and moral treasures, wide opportunities for comprehensive study of our history, cultural heritage and statehood traditions. Last year, more than 445,000 people visited our museums, more than 110,000 of them were foreigners. In the first quarter of this year, our museums have more than 110,000 visitors, more than 41,000 of them are foreigners. Museums in Nakhchivan have websites, and these websites give the opportunity to directly watch exhibitions of museums through the internet.

The work of museums' staff in the autonomous republic is highly valued by our state. They are awarded with honorary titles of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, and are awarded medals.

The fact that today the autonomous republic has a large network of museums is the result of the work done in the ancient city to preserve our historical and cultural heritage.

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Date: 03-03-2025
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