The nature of Azerbaijan and all

other infrastructure existed in

Azerbaijan enables tourists to

come to our country.

Heydar Aliyev





The new institution will contribute to the autonomous republic's tourism

Tourism is one of the dynamically developing sectors of economy for each country. Because tourism has become one of the most profitable and growing economic sectors all over the world. Continuous expansion of this sector has made this area a major factor in socio-economic progress. It shows itself in creating new jobs, establishing tourism related businesses and infrastructure.
In recent years, Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has taken important measures to develop this area, and successful steps are being taken to create a modern tourism infrastructure. This year, the legal documents adopted to improve the tourism in the autonomous republic and to determine the future prospects of that area, reflect the general context of the work to be done in the course of tourism development.
As it is known, in April of this year in order to improve the state administration in the field of culture and tourism in the autonomous republic, the Tourism Department of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was established by the Decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. "Regulation on Tourism Department of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic" was approved by the Order of the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis dated October 9, 2018. The regulation reflects the course of activities of the department, along with its rights and responsibilities.
Establishment of the Tourism Department shows a new approach to the work to be done in the tourism sector in the autonomous republic. For example, if previously the tourism related activities were part of the measures taken in the cultural field, today there is an independent institution - Tourism Department, which is already working on developing the tourism sector. Looking at the Regulation of the Department, we can see that the main direction of the institution's activity is to participate in shaping the relevant state policy in the field of tourism and to ensure the implementation of this policy.
In this article, our purpose is to explain the essential aspects of this regulation, to convey the essence of the targets set in the development of tourism to our readers. First, let's note that the Tourism Department will directly participate in the preparation of targeted programs for the development of local and incoming tourism in the autonomous republic, in directing investments in the creation of tourism zones and tourist services. The goal is to transform the autonomous republic into an international tourism center. Naturally, the creation of Nakhchivan's tourism brand is one of the priorities in this direction. We all know that tourism is also a market and this market has its own consumers. What trends are available in modern tourism or what modern tourism infrastructure incorporates. Of course, the study of foreign tourism markets, carrying out promotion campaign for the involvement of tourists is a prerequisite for building this area on a working mechanism. Therefore, there is no doubt that the newly established institution will start market research and, consequently, will contribute to the improvement of tourism infrastructure.
One of the interesting and important points in the regulation is the preparation and implementation of marketing and communication plans of cities and districts of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. This is a top-line issue. The first is that the development of tourism in one region is based on the marketing requirements of that region. On the other hand, this factor helps tourism workers in which areas the tourists are directed. We believe that proper assessment of the tourism potential of regions of the autonomous republic and taking certain steps in this area will enable us to identify the specialized tourism zones in our region.
It has been defined as the Department's duty to ensure the development of health, sports, mountain and winter tourism, cultural, extreme, business, ecological tourism, beach and other types of tourism. Of course, the development of these types of tourism is not a limit. The new needs to be settled in the future will be studied and provided in line with the market and existing rules. The main thing is to make full use of existing potential. For example, a large part of the geographical area of ​​Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is mountainous zones. Until now, we have just looked at these lands as natural landscapes, even though most of us have called this kind of mountains, hills and cliffs "very poor". But today tourism has reached such a level that there is no object of interest outside of interest. Many of us do not know that today, ultra marathoners, mountain bikers, mountain-qualified photographers, advertising and film industry professionals who explored Alpine, Himalayas, Tyan-Shan, Apenin mountains are looking for an unexplored mountainous region. Professionals of many fields are in the interests of a sightseeing object. The task of tourism is to timely evaluate these interests. We hope that we will be able to benefit from this or that potential of Nakhchivan in the near future.
In general, it should be noted that the newly established institution will contribute to the proper use of the potential of local tourism and the formation of a new approach to the development of tourism.
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Date: 03-02-2025
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