The nature of Azerbaijan and all

other infrastructure existed in

Azerbaijan enables tourists to

come to our country.

Heydar Aliyev





Modules I and II for the "Professional guide" training were held for the students.

Modules I and II for the "Professional Guide" training were held on April 6 and 7, 2023, for IV year students of Nakhchivan State University majoring in "Tourism and Hotel Management" during the period of industrial experience according to the schedule drawn up by the Department of Tourism of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.  The trainings were conducted by Suleyman Rustamov, the head of the Statistics and certification sector of the Tourism Department of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the "Professional Guide Certificate" trainer of the Azerbaijan Tourist Guides Association.  In module I of the training, the speaker stated that the main purpose of the trainings is to increase the image of the profession, to identify new human resources for this field, and to make students love the profession by instilling the essence of guidance activity.

The instructor informed the students about the origin of the first trips, a brief history of tourism in Azerbaijan, the nature of the excursion, and the use of logical thinking laws during the excursion. It was noted that guiding activity has become a field regulated by the relevant article of the newly adopted "Law on Tourism". 

He stated that the tourism sector in our autonomous republic is developing rapidly.  This ancient land is now becoming an attractive destination for international tourists.  The provision of high-standard service to tourists coming to the country depends on many factors.  From this point of view, the role of guides, guide-interpreters in the organization of tourism-excursion work should be mentioned separately.  A guide is a person who welcomes tourists to the country at a high level and sends them off.  They are the first and sometimes the only representatives of the local population that tourists will encounter.

 The speaker emphasized that our goal is for students to acquire a high level of knowledge and skills in organizing tourism-excursion work after completing this module.  The student who mastered the I learning outcome of our module will know the history and essence of the art of guiding and the legal and regulatory documents related to the guiding profession, will be able to reconcile the current and past of the guiding profession, determine the essence of the excursion, and list the legal normative documents related to the professional guiding profession.

 Then the trainer explained to the students the procedure for obtaining a guide certificate. During the II module of the "Professional guide" training, the trainer first informed the students about the components of the tour guide's professionalism.  He stated that professionalism means high ability and exceptional skill in any field.  An important aspect of the professionalism of a tour guide is his ability to lead a group and to create and maintain communication with tourists for a long time.  He noted that a tour guide is a person who demonstrates objects to a group of excursionists and at the same time conducts an excursion accompanying this demonstration with the necessary explanations arising from methodological requirements.  The central figure of the tour is the guide.  In addition to these, the trainer gave the students extensive information about the duty of the guides during the excursion, professional ethics, the main features of oral speech, listening and visual elements of speech, and internal and external obstacles during the excursion.  Also, during the excursion, he brought to the attention of the training participants the importance of diction, gestures, mimicry and figurative speech in the transfer of information to tourists. 

At the end, the students questions were answered by the trainer.

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Date: 29-01-2025
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